When I fill out a form and come to the section “Who should be contacted in the event of an emergency?” I generally put “Doctor”
Contradictions do not exist.
Contradictions do not exist.
Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong.
Ayn Rand (1905-1982)
Charlie Macksey
Everything under control?
“If everything is under control, you are going too slow.”
– Mario Andretti (1940- )
Cause of death of Atilla the Hun in 453AD?
The death of Atilla the Hun in 453AD was due to a severe nosebleed
Law of the land
“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.”
A thought from Adam Smith……..
“Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent”
Adam Smith 1723 – 1790
One will be a problem……..
I think I can see the one that’s going to be a problem
My Life………..
“My life has a superb cast, but I cannot figure out the plot.” – Ashleigh Brilliant (1933 -)