My schools governance consultancy work often becomes the provision of advice and guidance concerning the role and responsibilities of governors – particularly including the related compliance and legal matters.
I also provide operational and strategic support to governing bodies (as a whole or from the perspective of the Chairperson).
The underlying ethos of my governance consultancy work is, of course always to support governors as they seek “achievement of school improvement” and “enhancement of pupil outcomes”.
As a precursor however, to any particular element of consultancy input on school governance matters, the most valuable tool at my disposal is the ERG – that is, an “External Review of Governance”.
I believe that governors (particularly Chairs of Governing bodies) do need to regularly keep abreast of (i) changes in legislation, (ii) developments in policy and (iii) evolving expectations of governance.
The advent of academy schools – particularly those in multi-academy trusts (MATs) has placed significantly enhanced responsibility burdens on their governors. To address this, I now have a number of appropriate resources to support governors of academy schools.
If you are a Chair of Governors and would like to explore how some of the above services might meet your needs (or indeed, for a basic and more general chat about what I do) please contact me by email on – or by telephone on 07514 499238.
I am based at Nacton, near Ipswich in Suffolk and generally prefer to work across Suffolk, Essex and Norfolk. Where I am unable to personally (or immediately) undertake a particular project, I have a network of colleagues in governance consultancy and can call on their expertise where appropriate.